Thursday, March 25, 2010

This book is Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Everyone loves this book! It might be the greatest book of all time. They are finally making a movie out of it!! The book is about a wimpy kid named Greg, his brother Rodrick and his cool but messed up little brother Manny. Basically Greg has a really bad life, I mean come on, even when playing video games his life gets messed up! I sometimes even feel sorry for the guy. So cheers to the movie, see ya ;)

first youtube post

Enjoy my first youtube post!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I have a new video bar, a video bar is something to connect you to YouTube without leaving the page:) I hope you fans like this new feature. Oh and today my sister went crazy, it's almost her b-day! Well I'll be lucky to survive March 20th. So here's another post hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Home Work

Well Ms. Hawkins asked if we can do homework on our blogs, So here is the question she has asked ,what do you think Toronto needs to do to become a better city? Well, I think it needs a better subway (not the sandwich restaurant!) that goes all over the city. I also would love to be able to swim in the lake! It's so polluted with bird poop and garbage that there is always a red flag on the beaches. We need more community centers. When I was a very little kid, I only had one community center to go to that was close by, and it was very crowded. Well, some people talk about getting fit all the time but they never do anything about it. We need more places for people to get in shape, such as gyms, swimming pools and running tracks that everybody can use. I would like Toronto to have cleaner parks, for example Taylor Creek park smells like sewage. Nobody can enjoy the park anymore because of its stench. These ideas are some of the things I think would make Toronto a better place.
A picture of the beautiful but stinky Taylor Creek park....

Friday, March 12, 2010

We Will Miss You

I'm happy and sad, I'm sad because an awesome teacher is leaving - Ms. Esling :(. And I'm happy because we had a party :).

Well, bye Ms Esling, we will miss you!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hello!! At school this week it has been a lot of fun. We have been learning about puberty. We have been learning about how we change during puberty. Today we had a test, it was our last day doing puberty. This is Ms. Esling's last week in our class, she was a great help in our class. We will miss her :( . Here's another post fans, I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The new hot thing in class is Club Penguin, and here is one of the puffles. A puffle is a pet, like a dog, on Club Penguin. There are many different colours of puffles, like white, red, blue, black, pink, purple, orange, green and yellow. This is my favourite type of puffle - the red one.
See ya...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

surpising news

Guess what, tomorrow I might be linked to Ms.Hawkins blog!!! Booyaa, sounds like a promotion!!:) So fans, I'm movin' to the bigger leagues now, so if you want a short cut to my blog, you no where to go.

The Big Win

GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CANADA!!! A couple days ago I was watching the winter olympics, now their gone!! I do not know what happened, time flies. But even though the next one is four years away ,Canada still beat the world record of getting the most gold medals while hosting the winter olympics!!! But I think the best medal was from the mens hockey team, because they made a tough come back in the finals! Well, I'm going to miss the olympics....Bye for now:)

Monday, March 1, 2010

we need spring

Well its almost spring. I have had enough of winter!!!!!!!!! It has been snowy and slushy for months now. Well, I'm also a bit scared, because my sister's b-day is coming, so she is getting all crazy. Well if my sister does destroy me, I won't be writing anymore, so if your reading this now, don't expect any more updates past March 20th!

Me in class ......when is it going to be recess!!!

this is

I'm new

'Sup bloggers, I'm new in this whole blogging thing but I'm really excited that I got to join here. So, I'll talk about myself , I am Justin, a boy who likes video games and soccer (in rep). Like most people, I sometimes dislike school, but I have the best teacher in the school - Ms Hawkins. She always has a new activity every day for my friends and I. I am part Italian , and have a good sense of humour. I'll tell you a secret , I have a little sister who gets away with everything, and everyone thinks she is nice, but she is can be a devil! I have the most awesome friends, we are always talking about something that happens in the school. Well, here is my first post, hope you like it! Bye now.